Bouncing seconds

When I thought I was finished with the Homer watch face, I stumbled upon a video of the real Homer clock and saw a bouncing seconds hand.

So I stopped my intention to load the watch face up and made the hand bounce like as follows:

I set the rotation value of the seconds hand to this formula:

{drs}+outElastic({dss}, 0, 6, 500)

The value “drs” is the rotation value of the current second and would be enough, if you just want to move the hand by seconds without any bouncing effect.

The “outElastic” function is a tweening function, which gets the following arguments:

  1. “{dss}” the milliseconds of the current time as the input value of the effect.
  2. “0” for the beginning value of the effect.
  3. “6” for the changing value of the effect.
    So the difference between the beginning and changing value affects the intensity of the movements.
  4. “500” for the running time at the end of the tweening. Here you can control the duration of the movements.


CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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