Moving around – the easy way

In my recent articles Back to Trigonometry and Move objects in a circle smoothly, I described a formula to move objects around a circle.

Since WatchMaker also offers rotation values in degrees for time, we can simplify those formulas and make them more efficient to calculate.

In the original formulas I’ve used {ds}, which represented the seconds in time, as the input value. It’s much easier to use the rotation value {drs} as input. The only thing to do is to convert the degree values to radian values which can be done by the formula drs * \frac{\pi}{180}. Lua script offers this conversion function math.rad() out of the box. The formula looks like this.

x = \sin(radian(drs))
y = -\cos(radian(drs))

If you compare this with the other formula, you immediately see the difference:

x = \cos((ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2}) = \sin(radian(drs))
y = \sin((ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2}) = -\cos(radian(drs))

So in Lua script it looks like this:

x = math.sin(math.rad({drs}))
y = -math.cos(math.rad({drs}))

To define the size of the circle, you just have to multiply the desired size:

x = math.sin(math.rad({drs})) * 25
y = -math.cos(math.rad({drs})) * 25

You can use any rotation value with this formula just by replacing the tag, which is another big advantage compared to my prior formulas, because WatchMaker offers many rotation values.

Therefore you can replace the little complex formula in Move objects in a circle smoothly just by the rotation value {drss} for smooth seconds resulting in the following Lua script code:

x = math.sin(math.rad({drss})) * 200
y = -math.cos(math.rad({drss})) * 200

Update: In the original article Back to trigonometry I’ve described the eye movements of the Homer watch. Of course you do this with the new formula too. It would look like this:

x="-48 + math.sin(math.rad({drs})) * 25"
y="-42 - math.cos(math.rad({drs})) * 25"

Thanks to Brian Scott Oplinger for giving me the hint to add this aspect. 😉

Update: Here you can play around with the formula:

Move objects in a circle smoothly

Some days ago, I posted an article called “Back to trigonometry” about moving objects in a circle by seconds, minutes or hours with a trigonometric formula.

Today I write about the making of my new watch face Burner.

Before writing about trigonometry again, I describe the production of the asset for moving in a circle.

Asset production of an animated gif video

I had the idea to move a flickering flame around a circle.

The first step, was to record a short gif video of the flame, which came out of my lighter. To do this, I simply used a GIF camera app. In my case, I’ve used Fixie GIF Camera.

Flame video

GIF video capture

In default mode, this app records 10 frames, which was exactly what I needed. I imported it into Photoshop to crop it and center the single frames to the same position.

Unfortunately WatchMaker doesn’t support the transparent mode of animated gifs, so I had to choose a solid background color. Black was fine for my idea.

Moving the flame by seconds smoothly

I wanted to move the flame by seconds smoothly. As mentioned above, I used the same formula I’ve already described.

x = \cos((ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2})
y = \sin((ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2})

The problem by using the seconds as the input value is, that the flame moves step wise by seconds and not smoothly.

Update: Please use the formula in my new article Moving around – the easy way, because it’s better.

To move it smoothly, I’ve just added the thousands fraction of the millisecond of the current second. That’s all and looks like this:

x = \cos(((ds+\frac{dssz}{1000}) * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2})
y = \sin(((ds+\frac{dssz}{1000}) * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2})

In lua script it looks like this (here multiplied with 200 for a larger circle):

x="math.cos((({ds}+({dssz}/1000))*0.016666*math.pi*2)- math.pi/2) * 200"
y="math.sin((({ds}+({dssz}/1000))*0.016666*math.pi*2)- math.pi/2) * 200"

You can see the result in my watch face Burner.



Back to trigonometry

Since I’m scripting watch faces for smart watches, I was confronted with mathematical issues from my school days nearly 30 years ago.

The basics

The circle is the main geometric form to support using watch faces. And so I was confronted with π, sine, angles and some other things from the trigonometry.


By This is a vector graphic version of Image:Circle-trig6.png by user:Tttrung which was licensed under the GFDL. Based on en:Image:Circle-trig6.png, which was donated to Wikipedia under GFDL by Steven G. Johnson. – This is a vector graphic version of Image:Circle-trig6.png by user:Tttrung which was licensed under the GFDL. ; Based on en:Image:Circle-trig6.png, which was donated to Wikipedia under GFDL by Steven G. Johnson., CC BY-SA 3.0,

One main use for my watch faces so far, was, to move objects around a circle to a corresponding time value like I did with the eye movements of Homer in my Homer watch face or with the hours and minutes bobbles in TriGoIO.

I needed a function to place an object with the x and y coordinates in position of a circle to a given value of time. To do this, I needed sine, cosine and π.

Sine curve drawing animation.gif

By Lucas V. BarbosaOwn work, Public Domain,

The seconds

To move Homer’s eyes by seconds, we use the WatchMaker variable {ds}, which represents the seconds in a minute from 0 to 60.

Because we want to calculate the x and y coordinates to place the object depending of the seconds, we need to use the sine and cosine functions.

As the illustration above shows, a full circle is 2 \pi.

To move an object around a circle we need values from 0 to 2 \pi, so we need to convert the 0 to 60 seconds to a value from 0 to 1 and multiply this with 2 \pi. So 60 seconds would be represented by 1 after the conversion which would result in 2 \pi when multiplied with 2 \pi, which is the full circle position.

To convert the seconds, we simple have to multiply them by \frac{1}{60}. The formula, where “ds” stands for the seconds, is: ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi.

To get the horizontal position in the clockwise movement we use the cosine function and we use the sine function for the vertical position.

x = \cos(ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi)
y = \sin(ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi)

Because the clock begins counting at the top of the watch face, we need to subtract \frac{\pi}{2} inside the cosine and sine functions.

x = \cos((ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2})
y = \sin((ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2})

That’s it.

Of course you can control the size of the circle by simply multiplying a desired value to it.
And if you wish to change the position of the circle, just add or subtract a value.
And if you would like to use hours, just use the {dh} variable and divide by 12 instead of 60.

Homer’s eyes

For Homer’s eyes in the Homer watch face, which have a specific size and position, I’ve used this formula:

Homer’s left eye:
x = -48 + \cos((ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2}) * 25
y = -42 + \sin((ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2}) * 25

Homer’s right eye:
x = 48 + \cos((ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2}) * 25
y = -42 + \sin((ds * \frac{1}{60} * 2 \pi) - \frac{\pi}{2}) * 25

The same in Lua script for WatchMaker as follows.

Tap on the object and set the values for “Position X” and “Position Y” to:

x="-48 + math.cos(({ds}*0.016666*math.pi*2)- math.pi/2) * 25"
y="-42 + math.sin(({ds}*0.016666*math.pi*2)- math.pi/2) * 25"

And for the other eye:

x="48 + math.cos(({ds}*0.016666*math.pi*2)- math.pi/2) * 25"
y="-42 + math.sin(({ds}*0.016666*math.pi*2)- math.pi/2) * 25"


Additional formula: Move objects in a circle smoothly
Alternative formula: Moving around – the easy way